envisa – The new era of airport hubs?
February 2021
As a consequence of the travel restrictions imposed on fights due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, airlines have reduced their capacity offers and grounded part of their fleet, particularly the big quads such as B747 and A380. These aircraft being mainly operated to connect hub congested airports, the hub-and-spoke system seems to be over, to the benefit of more point-to-point flights. So how can one envisage a new era for airport hubs?

Global Cement Magazine
September 2019
Want to embark on a NICE path? Read Philippe FONTA’s latest contribution to the September edition of Global Cement magazine. Reducing CO2 emissions from human activities will not be enough if we do not remove some of the already existing ones.

INTERCEM Conferences
Two months ago, INTERCEM Conferences held its 100th event in Istanbul. Congratulations for this long history of gathering experts of the cement sector.
On that occasion, a collection of essays and recollections was published and Philippe FONTA had the opportunity to give his own insights, based on 8 years of experience leading the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI).

World Cement
May 2019
Another Wednesday, another piece of WednesdayWisdom from World Cement.
Today’s wisdom comes from Philippe Fonta, Founder and CEO of SCRUM-consult.
In our May 2019 issue, Fonta spent five minute with World Cement, discussing climate change, sustainability, and what strategies the cement industry can employ to solve this challenge.

CO2Reuse Summit in Berlin
On May 8-9, 2019
On May 8-9, 2019, Philippe Fonta was invited to play a key role in the latest CO2Reuse Summit in Berlin. Convening numerous stakeholders from différent industries and associations worldwide, CO2 Reuse Summit aimed at exploring solutions for carbon dioxide utilization. As science now demonstrates, CO2 can be treated as a feedstock, rather than a waste, and get a value for various industries that need and will still need carbon in the future.
Philippe delivered one of the keynote introductory speeches, advocating for the development of a New International Carbon Economy (NICE) through which carbon would be sourced from captured CO2 and progressively no longer from fossil fuels…
In addition, Philippe moderated the concluding panel of Day 1, with distinguished experts from various horizons.
Finally, he was invited to chair the second day of debates, introducing the various speakers, making the link between them and delivering some wrap-up comments at the end of the day.

A very fruitful forum with identified opportunities to scaling up CO2reuse and thus reduce the overall CO2 emissions contributing to climate change

Five Minutes with… Philippe Fonta
Published by Lucy Stewardson, Editorial Assistant
World Cement
Having developed extensive experience within sustainable development, both at Airbus and as Managing Director of the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), Fonta now runs his own consulting firm in order to help companies and organisations in setting-up their sustainability strategies, improvement plans, and associated partnerships to properly answer their stakeholders’ expectations.
The new Sustainable Development Club is waiting for YOU !
Sustainable Development Club
The concept of “Sustainable Development” was first given its definition in 1987 in a report entitled “Our Common Future”. This report was the result of the work carried out by the World Commission on Environment and Development, mandated by the United Nations and led by Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland, a norwegian politician who held various ministerial positions in her country as well as intternational leadership roles. Known as the Brundtland report, it will serve as the basis of the discussions that took place at the subsequent Earth Summit of Rio in 1992. Sustainable Development is then defines as:…