Le 30 septembre 2021, dans le cadre des États de l’Air organisés par ENAC Alumni à la Direction Generale de l’Aviation Civile, j’ai eu l’honneur et le privilège d’animer une table ronde de haut niveau sur le thème du partage de la #RSE du Transport Aérien. #aviationdurable
Feb, 2021
The new era of airport hubs?
As a consequence of the travel restrictions imposed on fights due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, airlines have reduced their capacity offers and grounded part of their fleet, particularly the big quads such as B747 and A380. These aircraft being mainly operated to connect hub congested airports, the hub-and-spoke system seems to be over, to the benefit of more point-to-point flights. So how can one envisage a new era for airport hubs?
Nov, 2019
Aviation Carbon 2019
4-5 of november –
SCRUM-consult will have the opportunity to participate to the Aviation Carbon 2019, in London, with professionals of the aviation sector, of carbon management (verification, compensation…) of international organisations and NGOs. A good way to discuss the latest status of CORSIA for instance, as a pillar of the baskets of measures to make aviation’s growth carbon neutral as of 2020.