CCIG 25 sept 2020 groupe

Les rencontres du management durable

On September 25, 2020, I had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in the “Rencontres du Management Durable”, organized by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Genève (CCIG), the “Office Cantonal du Développement Durable” and the “Haute Ecole de Gestion” (HEG). The theme of the discussion was to try and define the role, responsibilities and qualities of a Director of Sustainable Development.

The video is a summary of the discussion and following debate.

ICEF 2019

ICEF 2019

On October 10th, 2019, Philippe FONTA will have the pleasure and honor to address the next ICEF event in Tokyo (Japan) in a panel dedicated to “Communications and Climate Change”. How to set the appropriate tone and messages to motivate individuals, companies, associations and partnerships to positively move forward in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Thanks to Innovation for Cool Earth Forum for the kind invitation.