FICEM Cemento

FICEM Cemento – Webinar 2020

Cada vez se hace más evidente la necesidad de una mayor concientización frente al uso de los recursos naturales y el tardío proceso que implica su regeneración; lo cual, hace más notoria la necesidad de implementar la economía circular en los procesos de producción; impulsando la generación de productos que desde su creación contemplen la reutilización y garanticen una mejor utilización de residuos. En nuestro nuevo webinar FICEM titulado HOJA DE RUTA CIRCULAR PARA EL SECTOR DEL CEMENTO Y EL CONCRETO presentamos la gran oportunidad que tiene la industria cementera en tomar el liderazgo para transformar sus actividades a través de esta estrategia, el próximo 12 de agosto, 10:00 (Hora Colombia).


Green cross Conference

Green Cross France and Territories’ fall conference

13 of November, Philippe FONTA had the pleasure and the honor of moderating the round table entitled “Keys for action” during the Green Cross France and Territories’ fall conference. A high-quality panel and rich exchanges on the effectiveness of messages and awareness raising, the impact of individual actions to change the game at their level, as well as the impact of climate change and the need for adaptation in France and its overseas territories.

Aviation Carbon 2019

Aviation Carbon 2019

4-5 of november – Aviation Carbon 2019

SCRUM-consult will have the opportunity to participate to the Aviation Carbon 2019, in London, with professionals of the aviation sector, of carbon management (verification, compensation…) of international organisations and NGOs. A good way to discuss the latest status of CORSIA for instance, as a pillar of the baskets of measures to make aviation’s growth carbon neutral as of 2020.


FICEM 2019

Very interesting to see the opening session of the 36th FICEM Technical Congress in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) with all officials addressing the issue of climate change and its impact on the cement and concrete sector.

Future Cement Conference and Exhibition

On May 22-23, Philippe FONTA will have the opportunity to address the 2nd Future Cement Conference and Exhibition, organised by Global Cement Magazine in Brussels. The conference will examine the next steps forward for the cement industry in a low- or zero-carbon world. Philippe FONTA will present some innovative paths, and ways to cooperate with other industrial sectors in a new carbon economy. Join us

ICAO Environmental Symposium 2019 – Destination Green: The next Chapter

Destination Green: The next Chapter
On Thursday, May 16, SCRUM-consult has been invited to address the Environmental Symposium organised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) at their headquarters in Montreal (Canada) from May 14 to May 16. Under the main theme “Destination Green: The next chapter”, the symposium will inform and debate about the latest developments in the key environmental issues at stake with civil aviation: noise, local air quality, climate change and CO2 emissions, and the basket of measures on CO2 emissions mitigation. SCRUM consult will have the privilege to deliver a presentation on International Aviation in a circular economy, in a panel moderated by Ambassador Martin Vidal, Uruguay’s Representative on the ICAO Council.