Le 30 septembre 2021, dans le cadre des États de l’Air organisés par ENAC Alumni à la Direction Generale de l’Aviation Civile, j’ai eu l’honneur et le privilège d’animer une table ronde de haut niveau sur le thème du partage de la #RSE du Transport Aérien. #aviationdurable
Feb, 2021
The new era of airport hubs?
As a consequence of the travel restrictions imposed on fights due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, airlines have reduced their capacity offers and grounded part of their fleet, particularly the big quads such as B747 and A380. These aircraft being mainly operated to connect hub congested airports, the hub-and-spoke system seems to be over, to the benefit of more point-to-point flights. So how can one envisage a new era for airport hubs?
Oct, 2020
Les rencontres du management durable
On September 25, 2020, I had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in the “Rencontres du Management Durable”, organized by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Genève (CCIG), the “Office Cantonal du Développement Durable” and the “Haute Ecole de Gestion” (HEG). The theme of the discussion was to try and define the role, responsibilities and qualities of a Director of Sustainable Development.
The video is a summary of the discussion and following debate.
Aug, 2020
FICEM Cemento – Webinar 2020
Cada vez se hace más evidente la necesidad de una mayor concientización frente al uso de los recursos naturales y el tardío proceso que implica su regeneración; lo cual, hace más notoria la necesidad de implementar la economía circular en los procesos de producción; impulsando la generación de productos que desde su creación contemplen la reutilización y garanticen una mejor utilización de residuos. En nuestro nuevo webinar FICEM titulado HOJA DE RUTA CIRCULAR PARA EL SECTOR DEL CEMENTO Y EL CONCRETO presentamos la gran oportunidad que tiene la industria cementera en tomar el liderazgo para transformar sus actividades a través de esta estrategia, el próximo 12 de agosto, 10:00 (Hora Colombia).
Nov, 2019
Green Cross France and Territories’ fall conference
13 of November, Philippe FONTA had the pleasure and the honor of moderating the round table entitled “Keys for action” during the Green Cross France and Territories’ fall conference. A high-quality panel and rich exchanges on the effectiveness of messages and awareness raising, the impact of individual actions to change the game at their level, as well as the impact of climate change and the need for adaptation in France and its overseas territories.
Nov, 2019
Aviation Carbon 2019
4-5 of november –
SCRUM-consult will have the opportunity to participate to the Aviation Carbon 2019, in London, with professionals of the aviation sector, of carbon management (verification, compensation…) of international organisations and NGOs. A good way to discuss the latest status of CORSIA for instance, as a pillar of the baskets of measures to make aviation’s growth carbon neutral as of 2020.
Sep, 2019
FICEM 2019
Very interesting to see the opening session of the 36th FICEM Technical Congress in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) with all officials addressing the issue of climate change and its impact on the cement and concrete sector.
Sep, 2019
ICEF 2019
On October 10th, 2019, Philippe FONTA will have the pleasure and honor to address the next ICEF event in Tokyo (Japan) in a panel dedicated to “Communications and Climate Change”. How to set the appropriate tone and messages to motivate individuals, companies, associations and partnerships to positively move forward in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Thanks to Innovation for Cool Earth Forum for the kind invitation.
Aug, 2019
Global Cement Magazine
Want to embark on a NICE path? Read Philippe FONTA’s latest contribution to the September edition of Global Cement magazine. Reducing CO2 emissions from human activities will not be enough if we do not remove some of the already existing ones.
Jun, 2019
Lots of people think that sustainable development means protecting the
environment. What is it exactly?
Sustainability often does include protecting the environment, but is also
a lot more comprehensive: environmental issues do play a very important
role, but so do economic and social challenges. One of the reasons for
thinking that sustainability means protecting the environment probably
comes from the fact that environmental challenges have now been
added to the economic (and now social) criteria in the overall company or
organisation management approach. However, it has not replaced them!
Let’s use an example to really help understand the issue. Today, there